
Freshen up your Mask with this Uplifting Mist Blend…. Naturally antibacterial, anti fungal, antimicrobial, antiviral properties will help protect you while keeping your mask so fresh and so clean clean!

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We all didn’t think we would be here, honestly, who would have thought we would be wearing masks into stores, schools, and to work??

Well, Let’s at least make the most of this experience at least by welcoming some healing aromatic properties into our day to day mask wearing! At least we can smile with our eyes as we embrace these uplifting aromas and refresh that stank under our masks! Boy, will this be a story to tell our great grandchildren…..


I’ve made this available to you using Therapeutic Antibacterial Essential Oils: Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange, & Lavender essentials combined with Distilled Water & Witch Hazel in a BPA Free Reusuable 4oz Bottle, to make it for easy traveling and cleaning!

Warning: Avoid eyes and give time to let the mist “breathe” once you spray your mask. Also avoid leaving in car to freeze in colder temperatures.