

from $15.00
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Naturally Detoxify, Cleanse, & Rebalance

Use this Detoxifying Synergy with mindful intentions of releasing and cleansing away toxicity in the mind and body. Diffuse this blend to make space or use Massage oil to rub onto your belly in a circular motion to clear stuck energy.

GRAPEFRUIT- Detoxifier, cleansing with it’s antimicrobial properties, brings clarity to mind & body

GERANIUM- Harmonizing, balances hormones, helps with circulation, encourages circulation of Qi (energy) in the body

ROSEMARY- Good for memory, increases a flow of energy within the body, Regenerative, cleansing

CLOVE - Supports immunity, expands and enhances inner strength, encourages movement, energizing to move away feelings of inadequacy

ROMAN CHAMOMILE - Calming properities to help soothe and rebalance, nurturing oil, soothe nervous system, clear emotional congestion

For our Annointing Massage Oil’s, this custom synergy is safely diluted with :

JOJOBA & FCO * Fractionated Coconut Oil - Healing properities containing vitamins and minerals to nourish the skin, reduce inflammation, pentrating and repairing the skin to soften and soothe

RECOMMENDED TO USE IN AN EPSOM SALT BATH - Relieve pain and inflammation, natural exfoliant, relax muscles, and reduce stress and anxiety.